
Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Cebu holds Metrowide EQ drill

  Amor Y. Saludar

CEBU, July 26 (PIA) --- The Department of Health (DOH-7) together with the Office of Civil Defense (OCD-7) conducted the “Shake Rattle and Role” Cebu Metrowide Earthquake drill on July 22, 2016 at the DOH -7 regional office compound in Cebu City.

The drill aimed to assess the preparedness and capability of the medical sector in saving their own lives and other people's lives during disasters like earthquake.

Regional Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council (RDRRMC-7) Chairperson and OCD -7 Regional Director Olivia Luces said that unlike the June 22 “Pagyanig 2016”, the Cebu Metrowide “Shake Ratlle and Role” started the maiden exercise in the medical sector.
Luces said that in their assessment, DOH-7 personnel have demonstrated awareness of incident management system (IMS) in responding to emergencies. 

OCD-7 Assistant Regional Director Verniel Balaba added that they also saw in the drill the execution of management while designate officials of the commanded center performed their respective responsibility. 

Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG-7) Disaster Focal Person Wille Jean Cabanag also commended the performance of DOH-7 particularly in the set up and manning of the IMS. 

DOH 7 Regional Director Jaime Bernadas said that the drill is in line with the department's campaign on disaster preparedness.

Bernadas added that DOH is willing to do the drill regularly, and suggested to involve other agencies in the exercise as well. (rmn/ays/PIA-7)